Monday, May 23, 2011

Day 17-The Aftermath

Note to self--- 48hrs of work plus first time attempting 100g carb paleo diet DOES NOT equal a successful situation.  It amazes me how my body, or maybe it's my mind telling my body, craves carb-rich "no-no" food when I haven't gotten enough sleep.  My willpower is a super-powered maniac on a full-night's sleep, but wave some tasty carb-morsel in front of my face when I've been up all night, and my willpower does an amazing vanishing act.  

So I have a confession to make: I went over 100g of carbs and anti-paleo yesterday! Ugh...I ate some oh-so-salty yet oh-so delicious corn tortilla chips. The worst part was not going over (I ended up at 127g of carbs for the day so not that far off) but the guilt!  Yes I know the goal is to eat clean 85% of the time, but I am an over-achiever. I expect 100% effort of myself at all times and am my worst critic when I falter.  

The rest of the day and even this morning, I struggled with the feeling that I let myself down and sabotaged my goals.  Somehow one slip up meant that everything was for naught.  Then after a "forced" two-hour+ nap, I woke up with the realization that one setback does not define me or this challenge.  Challenge being the key word here.  I am a carb-addict and breaking the cycle will be difficult, but not impossible.  

Today was about recovering and finding my inner-strength.  Tomorrow I will hit the ground running with renewed energy and commitment.  
This was one of my favorite quotes in college and always helped me bounce back from a rough practice or meet:

"Inside of a ring or out, ain't nothing wrong with going down. It's staying down that's wrong." 


  1. Excellent attitude. If you have to slip up, find a clean carb source. It could've been much worse than corn chips, and given your active lifestyle, I'm sure you'd make excellent progress even with 150 carbs. I'm guessing your exercise regimen is well above average, so it's okay to fuel it up on occasion.

    Maybe you can make 100 grams your goal for easy or off days, and give yourself 40-50 carb boost on hard workout days, right before workout time. Then you'd have the energy and motivation to work even harder. Just an idea. You're an athlete, don't let your diet make you weak.

  2. Thanks. The day after I posted this, the blog topic on Mark's Daily apple was on recovering from slip-ups. It was nice to see I'm not the only one who has struggled. I plan on playing with the carb count and see if a little more on intense workout days helps my recovery and energy level. Nothing worse than feeling like a zombie while trying to get motivated to run farther or lift heavier than the day before.
