Monday, January 30, 2012

Day 14- 2 weeks down 2 more to go!

Just a quick marks the halfway point in the Crossfit Southwest Clean Living Challenge!!

Here are a few positives I've noted:
  • more energy in the AM
  • down some lbs
  • runs feel easier
  • yoga has become part of my morning routine (the sun salutation is like my 1st cup of java now!)
  • the support has been amazing and motivating
  • my skin feels softer/smoother
  • my cravings have greatly diminished (but still there...grr)
  • my recipe repertoire has vastly increased
A few kinks to straighten out:
  • still not sleeping all that well (not sure if it's over training, work, or eating later)
  • finding snacks that are not carb-rich, made with soy, or processed
  • energy wanes in the PM
  • getting  more protein and healthier fats
Oh, and did I mention I'm still 100% paleo?! This is the first "challenge" I've successfully been entirely strict. I credit that to all the amazing support from family and friends. Thanks everyone!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Day 12- Confucius Say... Butcher who back into meat-grinder, get a little behind in his orders.

I busted out the meat grinder (on loan from my Dad) and whipped up some Elk/Beef Paleo Meatloaf thanks to a recipe from Civilized Caveman.

I ground up almost 2lbs of elk and mixed it with 1lb of organic ground beef from Sky Island / 47 Ranch. I made a loaf in a 9x13 pan and 12 mini meatloafs with this amount.

Servings: 16-18
Prep Time: 15 Minutes

Cook Time: 50 Minutes


  • 1.5 Cups Almond Flour
  • 2.5lbs to 3lbs Ground Meat, your choice
  • 2/3 Cup Coconut Milk (can not carton...look in aisle with Thai/Asian food)
  • 2 Cloves of garlic, minced
  • 8-10 Baby Carrots, shredded or minced
  • 3/4 Onion, minced
  • 1 Large Zucchini, minced
  • 2 Eggs
  • 4-5 Tbsp Italian Seasoning
  • Salt and Pepper to taste

Sauteed veggies mixed with almond flour and coconut milk

  1. Preheat your oven to 350 Degrees F
  2. Combine your almond flour and coconut milk in a bowl and mix well
  3. Heat a saute pan on medium heat and saute your onions, carrots, and zucchini stirring often until cooked.
  4. With about a minute left of sauteing add in your garlic
  5. Take your sauteed vegetables and combine them in the bowl with the almond flour and coconut milk
  6. Add in your grass fed ground beef, egg, Italian seasoning, and salt and pepper and using your hands mix well
  7. Place your loaf in a greased loaf pan (use rest for 12 mini meatloafs)
  8. Bake in the oven for 50 minutes (bake muffins 20minutes)
For added could top it with an over easy or sunny side up egg. Super yummy!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Day 10- Chuck Norris once took a nap. The result was the Great Depression

Today was the first "day off" I have had in over a week. As part of the Clean Living Challenge, I made it a goal to give my body at least one day a week to recovery so I don't hit a plateau. Between the serious nap, delicious paleo meals, and the supplements Dani sent me...I think I'm going to tackle the rest of the week like a NFL linebacker at a pop warner practice.

By the freaking funny but ingenious is this pillow hat?! Bulk order anyone? :)

Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 8-Planning meals and PMF's

Day 8- Spending a day looking up recipes makes me hungry!
Today I decided to start looking up some tasty meals to add to my arsenal. Here are a few that caught me eye:
  1. A break from the breakfast rut...Primal Cottage Pies. These guys at Modern Paleo Warfare are worth reading for their great ideas and hilarious comments
  2. Roasted Beets with Balsamic Glaze (anyone have a "paleo" alternative for maple syurp??)
  3. Orange Zest Porkloin
  4. Pan-roasted Chicken with Orange
  5. Another breaskfast switch-up...Eggs in Purgatory!! yum!
If you have the Cooking Channel. "Ask Aida" and "Bitchin' Kitchen" are entertaining and offer up some yummy meals that can be tweaked to fit the paleo/primal lifestyle. Way better than that hack, Rachel Ray.

Oh and if you were wondering why so many citrus's because I had a discussion earlier about how orange zest can actually increase your insulin sensitivity. Why is that important? Well being insulin resistant (opposite of sensitive) means the insulin in your body is actually less effective at lowering blood sugars than someone who is insulin sensitive. Long term...that means your body has to produce more insulin than normal to do the job.  Too much insulin will increase your fat storage and risk for cardiovascular disease and diabetes! Check out this article at T-Nation on 5 simply ways to improve your insulin sensitivity.
So start using those orange peels!! They contain polymethoxyflavones (PMFs) that not only can improve your insulin sensitivity, but studies have shown they can reduce osteoarthritis and even kill breast cancer cells!

Ok...guess it's time I start making a shopping list.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Day 7- one week in

Day 7-

Just a quick update on my progress. I am feeling some definite benefits after staying strict paleo for the last week. I'm finally sleeping better and waking up feeling refreshed. The first few days I was extremely moody, cranky, tired, & hungry. I think yesterday was the first day I felt normal. Today has been even better.

I am not craving sugar like before. I do really miss dairy though. I watched the guys kill a gallon of perfectly chilled milk during dinner, and it looked so good. On the plus side, my crew went paleo (minus the milk and biscuits) tonight.

The support has been amazing. From the great advice from everyone & the workshop yesterday on finding & fixing our imbalances. I'll delve deeper in that another time, but the experience was great & I want to thank Crossfit Southwest for setting this all up.

I also want to thank my mom & dad for sending up a care package for me...elk meat, grass fed local grown beef, a meat grinder, and of course a well-worn & loved "yoga for runners" book-- complete with the tabs and underlined sections from when my mom used it. Thanks guys. Love you!
Ok, back to foosball !

Friday, January 20, 2012

Day 5- Vitamin D deficiency in AZ?

Day 5

As part of the CFSW clean living challenge, I have been keeping a food log. I started it primarily to keep track of my protein, fat, & carb intake. One of the extra benefits of the app I'm using is it keeps track of vitamins and water intake too.
Much to my surprise, I have found out that I am not getting the "suggested" amount of Vitamin D. I have cut out many of the sources- dairy, "fortified" & processed foods, and egg yolks. Even my avid use of sunscreen lowers my numbers. I started taking fish oil pills to help increase my levels since fatty fish are a great source. I also did a little browsing to learn more about vitamin D.
Some of the best sources are:
1)shiitake mushrooms
5)sockeye salmon
6)egg yolks

I also found this interesting post about female athletes and vitamin D deficiencies even in sunny climates. Women with malabsorption issues like Crohn's & Celiac's (that's me!) are at even more risk!

So what are signs & symptoms to look for?
3)chronic back pain (especially lower back)

What can adequate intake do for an athlete?
1)increase VO2 max
2)strengthen bones (important for runners!)
3)Improved immunity
4)Reduced inflammation

For more information check out this article:

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day 4- Rubber ducky

First off, let me say thank you to everyone for their suggestions after yesterday's post on recovery. It left me feeling all warm and fuzzy. 

One comment in particular, from Heather at CFSW, made me want to educate myself more on the connection between Epsom Salt baths and an increase in ATP production/function.  I remember as a little kid my mom using Epsom Salt in baths for soreness after runs or for soothing itchy skin but I had never heard of using it for increased energy/recovery through the ATP cycle.
Here's a super dumbed down explanation of the ATP cycle thanks to Discovery Health.
  • When a cell needs energy, it breaks this bond to form adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and a free phosphate molecule.  It can further be broken down to form adenosine monophosphate (AMP).
  • When the cell has excess energy, it stores this energy by forming ATP from ADP and phosphate.
ATP is required for the biochemical reactions involved in any muscle contraction. As the work of the muscle increases, more and more ATP gets consumed and must be replaced in order for the muscle to keep moving.
Because ATP is so important, the body has several different systems to create ATP.  The interesting thing is that different forms of exercise use different systems, so a sprinter is getting ATP in a completely different way from a marathon runner.

If you have no idea what I am talking about, check out this video!

Ok so what does this have to do with Epsom Salt (aka-magnesium sulfate)?
  1. Magnesium plays a crucial role in over 300 bodily functions including protein synthesis & multiple pathways to create ATP- glycolysis, krebs cycle, etc... 
  2. ATP is always found with magnesium since it provides stability and aids in the transfer of the extra phosphate group to convert stored energy into kinetic energy.
  3. It helps convert stored creatine kinase into useful phosphocreatine that turns ADP back into ATP to be used for energy cycle again
Studies have shown that taking 2-4 baths for 12-15 minutes a week in 1% Epsom Salt will increase blood concentration of magnesium thus aiding in the ATP cycle and other biochemical functions. 
A few benefits of a bath versus taking magnesium orally are: 
  • lowered risk of too much magnesium in the body, which can affect the kidneys
  • taking it orally can have an undesired super laxative effect
  • muscle relaxation (by closing Calcium channels to slow down nerve impulses)
  • skin exfoliation
  • relief for dry/itchy skin 
  • lowered blood pressure

If you want more information on Epsom Salt or ATP, here are some useful sites:

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day3- Recovery

"The cyclone drives its powers from a calm center. 
So does a person."  
-Norman Vincent Peale 

Today's "assignment" was aimed at recovery, which is fitting since I learned that my hips and glutes are all kinds of tight and generally out of whack.  I'd like to think that my muscles are just so strong that it makes them inflexible, but in reality, I don't put in even half the time to properly stretch, roll, and recover from workouts, stress, or whatever else makes me tense.

Some of my techniques to aid in my recovery are:
  1. Take los perros for an easy relaxing walk everyday
  2. Take 10 minutes to stretch each night (especially my hammies & butt)
  3. Do the Mobility WOD of the day (this guy is great!)
  4. Turn off the electronics at least an hour before bedtime (I rarely get a good/full night's sleep)
If anyone has some suggestions, I am all ears. This isn't just about muscle recovery--it's about recovering my peace of mind and finding calm when life can seem so stressful.  As anyone who knows me can testify, I tend to put a lot on my plate (figuratively and literally...damnit delicious carbs), and learning some techniques to find quite will be essential.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 2- Busy but I'm learning to plan ahead

Day 2: Clean Living Challenge
Today has been extremely busy and productive. I started my class on cardio fitness & training. It seems fitting to start class during this challenge.  Hopefully this class/degree will help me continue to educate myself and live a healthier life.
I also got back into the pool after a lot of months off.  It felt great to glide through the water and it helped loosen up my back which has been bothering me as of late. Rehabbing is definitely going to be a priority during this challenge.
I also prepared a favorite dish of mine with a few tweaks to provide yummy snacks throughout the week.

Clean Living Swedish Meatballs (or as the Swedish Chef would say, "bjork, bjork, bjork, bjork!)
  • 1lb ground elk
  • 1lb ground beef
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 1 medium yellow or white onion (grated, not diced)
  • 1 tsp butter or ghee
  • 1 tbsp pepper
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp cardamon
  • 1 tbsp nutmeg
  • 1 tbsp allspice
Heat butter in medium sauce pan. Add grated onion  (use either food processor or cheese grater) and pinch of salt to butter. Cook approx 10 minutes on medium heat, stirring frequently. You don't want to caramelize the onion, just cook it through.

Add onion to meat, spices, almond flour, and egg yolks. Mix thoroughly (by hand is most fun and therapeutic.)  Measure approx 1/4 cup of meat mixture or less and place on lined baking sheet. (This is messy so tinfoil is your friend.) Bake at 400 for 20-30.

Yields approx 26 meatballs.
Per meatball: 89 calories, 5g fat, 1g carbs, 9g protein

I used 1lb of ground elk (thanks Dad for actually killing one this year) and 1lb free range ground beef (again, thanks Dad for the hookup.)  You can use whatever type of ground meat you have around. I get a lot of my meat from a rancher down in McNeal area (think Douglas). He delivers up here if you don't happen to have a family connection. The ranch is called Sky Island Brand / 47 Ranch.  You can contact them at: or 520 642-9368.

They also have a facebook page: Sky Island Brand Facebook

Monday, January 16, 2012

Start of Clean Living Challenge 2012 at CFSW!

Today starts the four week "Clean Living Challenge" presented by Ken at Crossfit Southwest. We had an informative meeting tonight, and I was inspired and awed by the amount of people that showed up to participate. Granted this is day 1 of 28 but the enthusiasm was high!

Here are the basics:
1) Eat real food (lean meat, veggies, fruit, & nuts/seeds)
2) Avoid crap food that makes us unhealthy (grains, dairy, sugar, processed food, alcohol, & legumes)
3) Recover (heal wounds...make imbalances balanced, etc...)
4) Set goals and create action plans on how to achieve them both for the challenge and the long haul
5) Exercise & be fit
I actually started the process this morning by purging the house of "unfit" food. Luckily for me, the house is not filled with cookies and cakes but it was hard to get rid of the oatmeal, honey, and the booze!

Bailey's & Goose, I'll miss you most of all!
After I was done with purge, I rewarded myself with some delicious egg muffins. The recipe is super simple, and they store fairly well if you make a bunch in advance.

  • 5 slices nitrate free/organic bacon (diced and cooked ahead of time)
  • 10 eggs (beaten)
  • 1 cup already cooked spinach (you can use frozen)
  • 3 green onion stalks (diced) 
Mix all ingredients together.  Either line muffin tins with paper or grease heavily (I'm so investing in silicon baking cups soon!) and evenly distribute mixture.  Bake at 350 for approx 20-25 minutes, depending on oven. Enjoy!

Nutrition: (Per muffin)
  • 72 cals
  • 4g fat
  • 1.25g carbs
  • 6.25g protein
After the meeting, I had a meal fit for a primal queen-- free range top sirloin and organic greens. Yum! Guess I should start tackling the "initial assessment" and figure out what exactly I want out of this challenge...