Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Bacon bacon bacon

Had to post some pics & the recipe (more like guideline) I used for a scrumptious low carb dinner. 

Basically I made my favorite meatloaf (thanks Gramma...secret is mustard!) and wrapped it in a lattice of bacon! What? Bacon?! Yes...delicious center cut bacon wrapped around an already amazing meatloaf. Oh and did I mention I stuffed the meatloaf with cheese? Yeah...this meal just got better. 

Cook this bad boy at 300°F for an hour then crank heat up to 350° for another 15mins or so until the bacon crisps up & the internal temp is greater than 160°. 

Notice the sweet Magyver-esque use of tinfoil sjnce my grill grate has gone missing. Also take note of the zucc's in the background...had to add some veggies somewhere. 

Mmm...crispy melty goodness. Thanks to Craig at ruled.me for the idea. Check it out at 

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Going back to the beginning?

So this week I had my work physical and it brought into reality exactly where I stand...healthy and above average in all aspects. I should be happy with that, but frankly, I'm not. Despite my body weight only going up one pound and my treadmill test remaining the same, my body fat is up from 19 to 22-23%.  A lot of that stems from a less-active lifestyle. My days off, which normally consist of running the perros and hitting crossfit have been replaced with eight-hour days at school or 12-hour clinicals. The diet has taken a huge hit as well: convenience eating (dining out or processed pre-made meals) and snacking on sugary sweets to stay awake in class or fight the boredom.

This week was the eye opener I needed. Time to re-evaluate what my goals are and how to reach them. Lots of people have New Year's Resolutions, well I'm not waiting another two months to get back on track. Looking back at earlier blogs, time to re-up my commitment to a healthier and happier life. So today I'll tackle the goals:

1. Lean up. My first blog ever, I set the goal for 15%...this time around I would like to just get back below 19% and stay there.
2. Start running again. I would like to run 4-5 times a week and get my 5K time below 25min. I don't have any races in near future, but that shouldn't stop me from hitting the pavement. I know the pups would sure appreciate it. Besides, nothing beats breathing in the cold morning air and feeling the lungs start to burn.
3. Make smarter food choices. Time to go back to primal and dump the processed semi-food. Also time to listen to my body and feed it what it needs to excel not what I can get my grubby hands on at the time.
4. Get back to my gym roots. I feel like total outsider since I basically went MIA from Crossfit Southwest. I really miss my family there. Strangely enough, I miss getting my ass kicked by Ken too.
5. Be happier with myself. This might be my loftiest but also most important goal--to change from the inside out.

So what are your goals? Any tips on how you reached them or will reach them?

Next time, I'll talk about setting out a plan...

Monday, October 21, 2013

Holy crap it's already been two years and I'm almost frickin 30

It's hard to believe two years have passed since I initially started my 30 before 30 list. Even harder to believe that 30 is right around the corner. Not sure I'm ready for full-spinster mode.

On less depressing note...I've managed to knock some more stuff off the list! The new accomplishments are highlighted:
  1. Finish an Olympic or Half-Iron Man Triathlon
  2. Take the dogs and my HLP camping at Carlsbad in a vintage trailer--hint hint Dad!
  3. Become a paramedic (working on it...will be done just after bday but I'm thinking it'll count!)
  4. Break the World Police & Fire Games Women's Open Hammer Record.  done and done!
  5. Put a glass mosaic back splash up in my kitchen without hiring anyone (offer to the lion tamer aka architect is still on the table)
  6. Watch the Denver Broncos play at home
  7. Go back to Italy
  8. Backpack the Grand Canyon (overnight!)
  9. Finish my associates in Nutrition and Personal Training
  10. Take a wine class 
  11. Finish a 5K under 24 minutes (Getting closer! Ran 24:42 in Ireland)
  12. Take a short immersion class in Spanish or at least another Spanish class 
  13. Be nicer to Thomas (you know you're my favorite German!)
  14. Hike Camelback wearing a weighted vest 
  15. Rent a ridiculously over-the-top and expensive car just for the weekend  
  16. Pay off one of my credit cards or student loans 
  17. Do a muscle-up 
  18. Take an art class  
  19. Trace back my dad's side of the family 
  20. Grow my own vegetables Actually did this last spring but forgot to update. DIdn't last long thanks to dogs but goal was to grow not to create a self-sustaing farm.
  21. Take dance lessons
  22. Pick up a random person's tab (it's happened to me and made me smile the rest of the day)
  23. Do enough legit strict pull-ups so I can start kipping again at Crossfit Southwest 
  24. Make my own stepping stones
  25. Visit Kartchner Caverns  
  26. Go to Ireland Northern Ireland totally counts!
  27. Scuba dive (what's the point of having a cert if I never use it!)
  28. Perfect my MandeltÃ¥rta (naturally gluten-free Swedish almond cake) Maybe not perfect but delicious!
  29. Throw a theme party Pretty sure our annual ugly sweater party counts! Keep December 18th open btw!!
  30. Treat my parents to dinner
So for those keeping track...I still have 21 things to go. Ruh roh. Guess I better start cranking some of these out...

Oh and special thanks Jen, Ken, Erik, Lindsey, and everyone else who helped me train or support me in my efforts. Big shout out to those who helped Arizona Firefighter Athletics raise money not only for our trip but for Arizona Burn Camp and our fallen brothers, FF Harper & Ofc. Raetz.

Looking back at my older posts...think it's not only time to knock some stuff off the list but also get refocused and start living a healthier life...more on that next time.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Less than 100 days until 2013 WPFG!

Check out the new blog/website all about pimping out the newly branded "Arizona Firefighter Athletics"

Or check out the Facebook page Arizona Firefighter Athletics on Facebook

There are a few fundraisers coming up...so stay tuned!