Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Bacon bacon bacon

Had to post some pics & the recipe (more like guideline) I used for a scrumptious low carb dinner. 

Basically I made my favorite meatloaf (thanks Gramma...secret is mustard!) and wrapped it in a lattice of bacon! What? Bacon?! Yes...delicious center cut bacon wrapped around an already amazing meatloaf. Oh and did I mention I stuffed the meatloaf with cheese? Yeah...this meal just got better. 

Cook this bad boy at 300°F for an hour then crank heat up to 350° for another 15mins or so until the bacon crisps up & the internal temp is greater than 160°. 

Notice the sweet Magyver-esque use of tinfoil sjnce my grill grate has gone missing. Also take note of the zucc's in the background...had to add some veggies somewhere. 

Mmm...crispy melty goodness. Thanks to Craig at ruled.me for the idea. Check it out at 

1 comment:

  1. Sara,
    Oh yeah! Love that bacon. I agree with you 100%. We always have a pound or two on hand.
