Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Under the weather

So this is completely based on unscientific data, but eating crappy makes me feel crappy.

After I completed my 28 day clean living challenge...I allowed myself to eat corn, sugar, dairy, alcohol, and pretty much whatever else I felt like for the next few days. What resulted was lower energy (read missed or piss-poor workouts), an increased craving for sugar, and weakened immune system! I started to feel sick a few days ago, and it has turned into a full-blown sinus infection.

Looks like I'm jumping back into clean living and eating with a few minor adjustments. I'm going to keep some dairy (yogurt, full-fat cheese) and some wine/alcohol in moderation.  I like the idea of 80-90% clean living with the occasional indulgence. The plan is also to keep my carbs around 100/day for now. There will be some modifications in the very near future (so excited to start Indigo!). 

Also, I am looking for some new ideas for recovery. I loved Flooid Yoga but my membership expired. Anyone know of any places offering discounts?

For now, it's back to the couch with a cup of Gypsy Cold Care to cuddle with my perros and get over this damn cold.

1 comment:

  1. Morning Sara,

    You get to feeling better real soon, OK? Take it slow and easy.
