Sunday, October 23, 2011

30 before 30

With my HLP's birthday tomorrow, I've been thinking a lot about my own age.  At 27, there is a lot in my life that I have accomplished and experienced, but that bucket list just seems to keep getting longer.  In honor of his 27th birthday and thanks to Bird at, I have decided to come up with my own 30 before 30 Bucket List.

Since this is kind of a random thought late at night, I'll start with the first 10 and come up with the rest over the next week or so.  These are things I want to make, accomplish, or experience sometime before I hit that next big milestone.  I have two and a half years until I'm 30 so bear with me ;p

The 1st 10: 

  1. Finish an Olympic or Half-Iron Man Triathlon
  2. Take the dogs and my HLP camping at Carlsbad in a vintage trailer--hint hint Dad!
  3. Become a paramedic
  4. Break the World Police & Fire Games Women's Open Hammer Record. Ireland 2013 is my last chance before I move into the Senior division
  5. Put a glass mosaic back splash up in my kitchen without hiring anyone (unless a certain former lion tamer wants to lend a which case, I pay in wine)
  6. Watch the Denver Broncos play at home
  7. Go back to Italy
  8. Backpack the Grand Canyon. Mom, I would love to do this with you since we couldn't at 13
  9. Finish my associates in Nutrition and Personal Training
  10. Take a wine class
Wow! This is quite a list already.  I better get to sleep so I have the energy to accomplish all this stuff...and finish the list!

So happy birthday Jesse! Lub you.


  1. Fantastic Sara. I have no doubt that you will complete all that is on your Bucket List. I am woking on mine and have been since April of this year.

  2. oh yea! I would love to get drunk and tile your kitchen. Or is it the other way around?
    I'm in!
