Saturday, December 31, 2011

Finishing what I started...

As the hours tick down until the new year, it's about time that I finish my 30 Before 30 bucket list. 

The Final 10:

21. Take dance lessons
22. Pick up a random person's tab (it's happened to me and made me smile the rest of the day)
23. Do enough legit strict pull-ups so I can start kipping again at Crossfit Southwest
24. Make my own stepping stones
26. Go to Ireland
27. Scuba dive (what's the point of having a cert if I never use it!)
28. Perfect my MandeltÃ¥rta (naturally gluten-free Swedish almond cake)
29. Throw a theme party
30. Treat my parents to dinner

It's time to get ready for the big night. Hope everyone has a great New Year's!