So today was the start of my 30 day Primal/Paleo Challenge! Now I'm sure you're wondering 1-why am I doing this, 2-why am I blabbing about this online. The second question is much easier to answer so I'll start with that. I'm keeping a "public record" because it's a way to make sure I'm held accountable and sticking to the challenge. It also gives me a chance to meditate on what is happening in my life. Too often the days fly by, and I'm left with only a faded memory of what really happened. My mom (happy early Mother's Day) always told us to live in the present so this is my attempt. now the big question: why the hell am I going Primal? Or maybe you're wondering, what does that even mean? Well on a very basic level, eating primal or paleo means eating things are readily available from nature and not overly processed. The idea is to eat like our ancestors did before agriculture turned us into sedentary creatures. Obviously I'm not going to turn my back on convenience and the advances of modern science...the occasional protein shake (low-carb of course), supplements, and the grocery store are all acceptable during this challenge! So not only am I going to eat "cleaner" but also going to readjust my carb intake. As a whole, our society eats way too many carbs!! Most of us aren't training for marathons so why do we carbo-load almost every meal? So the plan is to focus on getting ample lean protein, healthy fats, lots of veggies and fruit, and avoid added salt and carbs. Did you know they even sneak carbs into deli meat? Most is full of wheat filler so that they can save money. It's a carb and gluten conspiracy! now to really answer why! I am doing this for a myriad of reasons. Here are my top three:
1) Lean up. I feel like my body has become accustomed to carrying a little extra fat (damn you thrower's diet) and I need a serious kick to reach my goal of 15% body fat. Last time I had the fat caliper test, I was at 18.9%. The plan is to be at 15% by the time my brother and I compete in the 2011 World Police and Fire Games in September.
2) Dominate fitness/competition. I'll be throwing hammer and shot, running a 5K, doing max rep strict pull-ups, and swimming 100m in the Toughest Competitor Alive. I also plan on running various 5Ks throughout the year and hopefully be in a position to compete in next year's Crossfit Open. Not to mention my very physically demanding job! I have an awesome and very fit crew that inspire me to push myself physically and be not only one of the top females, but one of the top overall fittest people on the department.
3) It's been a while since I have had to really challenge myself. Things have gotten a bit stagnant lately and as a result, I've lost a little confidence and have avoided really looking at the reasons I've been stuck on this mental and physical plateau. So this is going to be my 30-day self-reflection and kick start to a happier and healthier life.
If you want to join me...check out these websites:
P.S. Today was a success!! Today was a "fast" day so I kept my carbohydrate intake right at 50g. I'm surprised how much you can still eat. I'm also surprised at how many "healthy" foods are super high in sugar and low in fiber.