I recently came across a post by Luminita over at Purpose Fairy. Reading through it, numbers 5, 10, and 11 really struck a cord with me.
5. Don’t settle for anything less than you’re worth
Dream boldly, act fearlessly. Build your life as if there were no limits to who you could be, do and have. Don’t settle for mediocrity. Don’t settle for anything less than you’re worth. The day will come when your whole life will flash before your eyes, and when that will happen, you will realize that you could’ve done it all, you could’ve achieved it all.
Live life fully. Dream boldly and act fearlessly. Make no room in your life for regrets.
“Do not worry if you have built your castles in the air. They are where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.” ~ Henry David Thoreau

10. By letting go it all gets done
Learn to laugh in the face of chaos. Stress less, live more. Detach from all the drama that your mind is constantly trying to create. Let go of all the to toxic thoughts, things, people and past experiences that are holding you back in life. Let go and be happy.
“By letting it go it all gets done. The world is won by those who let it go. But when you try and try. The world is beyond the winning.” ~ Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching
11. Surrender to what is
Learn to be soft like water. Let go of fixed plans and concepts. Allow events to follow their natural course. Don’t fight life, don’t resist it. Surrender to what is. Accept whatever comes your way with grace and appreciation. Trust the wisdom of life.
“Acceptance of one’s life has nothing to do with resignation; it does not mean running away from the struggle. On the contrary, it means accepting it as it comes, with all the handicaps of heredity, of suffering, of psychological complexes and injustices.” ~ Paul Tournier
I am about to face some
major milestones in my life and have spent many sleepless nights anticipating
what these changes may bring. As I lie there watching the minutes turn into hours, it finally dawned on me: I have
lost perspective. I have lost sight of the
present by fearing the uncertain road ahead and dwelling on what might have
been under different circumstances.
The past was beautiful,
tragic, and at times, a bittersweet intermingling of love and loss. In its
true nature, however, the past is fleeting. Today I am a woman molded by my past but not so rigidly defined by
it. I will grow stronger from both the love and conflict I endured but not give into self-pity for dreams dashed out of my control. It is time, as she pointed out above,
to let go and be happy.
The future, as always, is
unpredictable. I can prepare and plan, but in the end, life is an
adventure. My best course is to live fearlessly and graciously.
Thanks to some persistent and friendly reminders that I am indeed wicked and
worthy of happiness, I have found a renewed sense of hope and confidence. My future is no longer bound by my own
perceived limits.
Time to focus on the
present. In this moment, as I sit here watching my fingers quickly peck
away at the keys, I pause to breathe deeply and listen to sound of the air
rushing in and out. In this moment, I am healthy, I am happy, and I am
loved. Surrendering to and embracing change, I can find solace in my
thoughts and sleep well tonight.
Take a moment for yourself
to check out a few suggestions that might help you approach every day with a
better perspective.