This week was the eye opener I needed. Time to re-evaluate what my goals are and how to reach them. Lots of people have New Year's Resolutions, well I'm not waiting another two months to get back on track. Looking back at earlier blogs, time to re-up my commitment to a healthier and happier life. So today I'll tackle the goals:
1. Lean up. My first blog ever, I set the goal for 15%...this time around I would like to just get back below 19% and stay there.
2. Start running again. I would like to run 4-5 times a week and get my 5K time below 25min. I don't have any races in near future, but that shouldn't stop me from hitting the pavement. I know the pups would sure appreciate it. Besides, nothing beats breathing in the cold morning air and feeling the lungs start to burn.
3. Make smarter food choices. Time to go back to primal and dump the processed semi-food. Also time to listen to my body and feed it what it needs to excel not what I can get my grubby hands on at the time.
4. Get back to my gym roots. I feel like total outsider since I basically went MIA from Crossfit Southwest. I really miss my family there. Strangely enough, I miss getting my ass kicked by Ken too.
5. Be happier with myself. This might be my loftiest but also most important goal--to change from the inside out.
So what are your goals? Any tips on how you reached them or will reach them?
Next time, I'll talk about setting out a plan...